Monday 17 November 2008


It was an interesting week last week...

First on the list is Saturday's service. We got a special guest speaker, Mr Brendan Kirby. He got a Ph.D in some chim chim science thing and currently working for the Australian Defence department. Wah the sermon that he delivers is indeed very chim, and just like what he admitted, it was like a science lecture. He went through the beginning of galaxy, to bio stuffs like formation of protein in the body. It was very scientific and technical, yet it shows that the world and everything that is in it is being CREATED rather then some 'evolution' theory. Praise God for his interesting sermon! Hope to see more such special sermons in church.

"Science is a finite way of defining an infinite God" - quote from John Paul "the pope"

Then on Sunday, some of the brothers went to play basketball in school. Not bad la, the weather was quite good, and i believed everyone enjoyed the time of fellowship there. Let's hope that during this coming December holiday, we can plan a mega game event! Perhaps in Sentosa? :)

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