Saturday 28 February 2009

28 /2/ 09

Wad is the use of advices when it falls to deaf ears
why do we keep feeding it when it is not eating?
How many words must i say
so that they will understand its importance?

Its all worthless
a waste of time
Its just like talking to a person
that agrees with whatever you say
and yet do nothing with what it learnt

Time is an invaluable resouce
and it is spent on useless things
Efforts that was put in has no use
much less speaking of any results
Therefore why should i speak
why should i correct
and why should i encourage
when either pride hardens the heart
or when the mind is absent in place

Its all meaningless
And it only serves to discourage and disappoint
so why should i be put down by men,
and lamenting each unhearing ear?
For in the end it results in no loss for me
And i shouldn't bother about them

This is the paradox:
God has willed men
to support and encourage one another
yet men discourages men
to the point of turning away

i shall not speak
or correct anyone
from whom have i got the authority
and for whom do i speak for?
i am only a sinner
less talk, less conflict
and let it remain that way

Tuesday 24 February 2009

24 feB '09

My God is liketh a fireplace of warmth,
He keeps me comfortable from freezing colds
The Lord is my refuge,
Which i reside to avoid a storm
My Father is liketh a shield
Protecting me from any invaders
No matter how strong the winds might blow
how heavy the rain pours upon me
God provides a sanctuary to keep me safe
Oh! Look at how those arrows fall
Ceasing in strength and drops in vain
when they impacted themselves
on the impregnable shield of the Lord

Sunday 15 February 2009

15 FEB 2009

There is so much to thank God for...

I see joy in people's eyes when they travel around different parts of Singapore to share the message of God's love for people on Valentine's day, even under the hot sun in this heaty weather..

And it is simply amazing to see someone next to you who pulled out a book titled " Our Faithful God" and let you peek its teachings when u are in your dry period...

And i have finally found my passport! Its wedged behind some old cupboard that i wont be bothered to find... but God reminded me to search every single place for it....

Praise God for His Faithfulness and Love!


A man deemed to have past his prime should be used more, or less?
Should he, nearing the end of his life, leave the things to the younger and move on?
If so, when should he leave?

Sunday 8 February 2009

8 Feb 09

In the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), it is observed that there are Jews that opposed and refused to acknowledge Jesus as the Christ, or Messiah.

Firstly, Jesus is born in a lower-to-middle class family (A carpenter). Therefore, people couldn't accept that their anticipated Messiah is someone who is from a low social class.

Secondly, the Jews believed that their coming Messiah is someone who is powerful, who will deliver them from the oppression and rule of the Roman Empire. The Jews have been under the control of various rulers and kingdoms ever since the Kingdom of Judah fell to Babylon.
  • The Kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonian Empire under Nebuchadnezzar, as seen in 2 Kings.
  • The Babylonian Empire fell later to the Persian Empire, under Cyrus who allowed the Jews to return to their homeland to rebuild the Temple of God. (Book of Ezra, Nehemiah)
  • The Persian Empire, in turn, fell to Alexander the Great. When Alexander died, the land he conquered was divided into mainly 2 parts. The Seleucid Empire ruled Israel from then on until the Roman Empire came into power.

With continuous conquests of the Jewish people in Israel by different kingdoms, the Jews longed for their Messiah to rescue and deliver them from the Roman Empire. Therefore, they had conjured an impression among themselves that their Messiah would be a warrior-king, someone who would overthrow the Roman Empire and bring them under no foreign authority, when by then they could rule their own land with their own people.

This impression caused them to be "blinded" when Jesus came into this world, and offered salvation to all people by dying for our sins on the cross. He is the sacrifice that redeemed us from the ransom of sin. However, the people were too obsessed with their own image of their Messiah that they missed out on the One when He was already there. They were too focused on their own physical slavery that they failed to see their spiritual starvation.

Therefore, it is important to know God as who God really is, not knowing the god whom we conjured up in our own mind and understanding; lest we are blinded just like the ancient people, and miss the chance to recognise our Saviour.

Friday 6 February 2009


Wah i am finally back to blog....
The last few weeks didnt come to blog cos i was having some problems... but Thank God for His Grace that helped me to pull through all troubles and worries! Haha these few days God has helped me so so so much in my life! Really want to take this time to praise You oh Lord!

This past few weeks i walked through a few valleys of the shadow of death, and it wasnt really pleasant to be stuck inside. But God, who is my faithful shepherd, guided me through the valleys and up to the mountains. He is my Deliverer!

First is my fyp... its finally over! Haha! And i got my exam schedule and sit numbers today morning! Quite relived and grateful for that! Thank you God!

Our troubles are temporary, but the glory of God is forever.

(2 Corinthians 4:17)
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

For those who are experiencing troubles and problems in your life now, remember that God is with you. Yes, sometimes you might feel that He is away, not there, but take heart! A tunnel will always lead to an opening of light. Problems is there to also strengthen your faith in Him.

Which one is more treasured, an untested faith, or a faith that stays strong despite having constant troubles? It is like courage. A person who has courage yet never encountered fear is nothing, but a person who remains courageous in the face of fear... Now that's something.