Friday 12 June 2009

12 June 2009

Time passes by so quickly, soon i will be 2 years old in Christ...

Looking back at this one year and 354 days, i would say its has been a turbulent journey filled with high mountains and deep valleys. So many things have happened within this short period of 24 months. I thank God for His grace and patience, because i am really indebted to Him...

I remember that before i was a believer, i used to go to a megachurch with my secondary school teacher, who is a believer and member of that church. Large numbers of people are gathering outside the hall, waiting to pour into the auditorium when the service starts officially.

I said, ''See, that's the power of religion.''
My teacher replied, ''No. That's the power of God.''

Ya right. Whatever. That's what i thought.

I went to the church for a further 3-4 times, and after that stopped going because i lost interest in it.

However, God continued to stretch out His hand for me to come to know Him. There were lots of surveys, questionnaires and through them, opportunities were opening up once more. I joined a cca camp in school, and from there i came to Hope church where i decided to accept Jesus into my life.

Christ changes life. He transforms a person not by rules, nor by regulations and commandments, but by grace, and by the transforming power that shape people's character.

He does not put a leash of law around your neck, restricting your will or freedom. For people who are under law are subjugated to it without appeal, and punishment becomes a threat and deterrent that takes the form of unpleasant consequence.

Genuine will does not exist in forceful submission. God wants us to be willing to be changed by Him. That's why Christ was sacrificed on the cross, so that a path may be opened to us to communicate and establish a relationship with God through Him. From this relationship, God changes man starting from the heart, that the change may overflow and subsequently affect the external actions and attitudes of a person.

God once changed a man who was doubtful, who said 'i will not commit' right after a sinners prayer, to someone who commits to Him for 2 years. I believe He will change you too.

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